Local Greens exterior and a Zipcar van
Local Greens exterior and a Zipcar van

Local Greens and Zipcar for Business


A neighbourhood, organic fruit and veg scheme, Local Greens was founded in 2011 in Herne Hill by eco-conscious mums. 

Now delivering hundreds of vegetable bags a week, their mission remains the same, to provide fruit and veg at it's maximum freshness, having traveled minimum miles. 

Click the image below to watch a video and see how Local Greens use Zipcar.

Founded in Herne Hill in 2011 by eco-conscious mums, Local Greens aims to provide fresher, fairer and more local food to their families and neighbourhoods. Having strayed away from the common practices in conventional farming, Local Greens have found a way to minimise the miles food travels before it gets to their customers.

Local Greens fosters close relationships with local UK based farmers, all of whom operate certified organic, organic-in-conversation or spray free farms. Paying the asking price of the produce that is available, creates a more sustainable food system and support the small-scale farms who provide work for people in the local areas.


Driving a van to make deliveries

"We had our own vehicle but we gave it up because of the cost of maintenance, insurance and just keeping it on the road."


Local Greens

Founder, Jean Bergin

How are Local Greens using Zipcar for Business?

Lady packing bags

How are Local Greens using Zipcar for Business?

Once Local Greens receive their deliveries for the week, they repackage any produce depending on their orders (with any leftover going to local food banks) into their veg bags. These bags are then distributed out to their pick-up points, where their customers can collect their orders from. Local pick-up points are reached by cargo bike, but those that are too far away (and with too much veg to carry) are reached by van.

Originally Local Greens had their own van, but soon realised the cost of owning their own van and not using it daily, did not make sense to continue with. They soon started using Zipcar with a business account, and have been using it ever since! Now with an Exclusive Use contract, they know they can rely on their van to be available whenever they need it, can count on our account management support and know what costs to expect every month.

Find out about how Exclusive Use can benefit your business.

Local Greens delivery in Zipcar van

"Having a fixed, set price every week, that we know we can budget for and is covered, makes it really useful for small businesses"


Local Greens

Founder, Jean Bergin


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