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Reservations must be completed between 12 AM ET on June 19, 2019 and 11:59 PM ET on August 1, 2019 to qualify. Day rates vary across markets. To qualify for either $6, $14, $22 or the full $30 driving credit. Please see detailed reservations/hours to qualify for driving credit. Cancelled trips will not count as qualifying bookings. A coupon code to redeem driving credit will be emailed to this email address by August 2, 2019. Driving credit will be valid for 1 month after redemption of code. Zipcar driving credit has no cash value.
Zipcar driving credit to be used for Zipcar daily or hourly rates only. Driving credit must be redeemed by August 16 2019 at 11:59pm ET. Once redeemed, credit will expire after 30 days. Must be logged into a Zipcar account to redeem. Coupon valid for one time use only. Credit will be applied only when booking future trips. Driving credit will be deducted from next reservation, any remaining credit will be applied to following reservations until the credit is used or credit expires. Zipcar driving credit has no cash value.