How it works

At the start of your trip, you'll see a check in section reminding you of our Community Rules we ask all members to follow. You will then be asked to report on the cleanliness of the car on a simple scale - remember to report any damage or other issues with the vehicle by following the instructions in the log book (in the glove box). As a car sharing community is a little different to owning and renting a car, we've given some examples below as what you can expect from our cleanliness levels.

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Why was this feature added?

We are always looking for ways to make Zipcar and our app easier to use. This new feature means it's much simpler for members to report on the cleanliness of the car, so we can see when vehicles are left in a condition that is not in line with our community rules. We will be able to follow up with members who leave vehicles in less desirable conditions and warn, fine or even remove them from the service.  Remember, if there is damage to the vehicle that is not in the log book you need to call our member services team, as this new feature is only for cleanliness. There is a guide as to what you can expect from cleanliness levels below.

What cleanliness level can I expect?

As a car sharing community it's important that all our members leave the vehicles as they would want to find them, because chances are, the next person using the car will be another member! Below is an explanation of each of our cleanliness levels in the new reporting feature, and what you can expect from them.




The best a car sharing club vehicle can be! Imagine this is your family’s car, and how clean you’d expect that to be.There may be signs that the car has been used previously, as would come with the day-to-day wear and tear of a shared use vehicle (such as some dirt on the driver side mat).

Moderately clean

Moderately clean

Moderately clean

You’ve been using your car for a few days after its last clean, and let’s face it the weather hasn’t been on your side. Maybe you have a footprint on the floor mat, or accidentally left a receipt in your door storage, but overall the car is clean enough to have a good trip in!




You are still able to have a good journey in the car, but it could do with a quick clean up or service soon. Maybe there is quite a few footprints and dirt on the floor mat, some rubbish left on the backseat or dust on the dashboard.

Moderately dirty

Moderately dirty

Moderately dirty

There are several issues with the cars cleanliness, such as rubbish being left and a few areas of the car not being clean such as the back seats. If this were your car, you would take it to have it cleaned soon.




You would definitely want this car to be cleaned for the next member, as it has been left in an unacceptable condition, with all areas of the car being very dirty and large items of rubbish being left.

Got more questions?

If you've got questions about our Community Rules or how Zipcar works, check out our blog or Help Centre

Visit our Help Centre

Why Rent a Zipcar?

bag  of money, green icon

Save money

We pay for fuel, parking and insurance – so you get access to a car without the hassle of owning one!

map pin icon, green

Rent a car locally

Zipcars live just around the corner. We've got thousands of cars and vans near where you live and work.

icon of mobile phone emitting a signal, green

Drive on-demand

Rent by the minute, hour or day when and where you need them. Just book and unlock with the app.

leaf icon, green

Live greener

Cheaper and greener than owning your own car, we've also got hundreds of electric cars in our fleet.